Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Wikkistix fun.........twist 'em, bend 'em

I was introduced to Wikkistix while taking an SC Reads course. The name sure does give away what the class entailed. It was suggested that the stix could be used to have children underline words they did not know, found interesting, answers to certain questions, underline items on a chart, etc.
The stix are bendable and reusable. Just keep in a plastic bag. They are down right fun to mess with. (Click pic/url)
So, I know lots of parents and homeschooling moms may not know about them. They have varied educational uses, and they can be used in arts/crafts, math, science....you name it and they can probably be used.
Some restaurants use them instead of the crayons to go with pictures. Kids can make the shapes, etc. show on the papers or menus while waiting as entertainment. I would think they'd be great for traveling children, also.
Tomorrow I will be spending time with my 6 year old niece, and we will play/work with the Wikkistix. I promise to take pics and share. I may even try my hand at a slide show so I can share more pics with you. That is one of my goals....more real pics on my blog. I just think it's more personal. Well, once again, I digress.
The Wikkistix are great fun. Try them with your children and let me know what you think!!!!!!!

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